Charlotte, NC

Eugenia Woo

We can’t wait to hear more about your podcasting goals!

Let’s help you reach higher and work on amplifying your voice together, shall we?

Fill out the form below or shoot us an email and we’ll get back to you within 24 business hours:

We’re so grateful you’re here—let’s talk.

Let's Chat


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Yes! We offer payment plans for our Marketing Overhaul and Launch packages.
  • I just don’t think I can spend that right now! Isn’t there a payment plan?

Our packages are a baseline for the services we offer, but we can create a proposal customized to your unique needs and goals.
  • Are your packages customizable?

You don’t need a Youtube channel as a podcaster. You probably watch many of your favorite podcasts on Youtube, and we’re not saying it’s a wrong move, but you can have a successful podcasting journey by implementing an audio-only approach.

  • Do I also need to have a Youtube channel for my podcast?

While having an online community certainly helps, you don’t need a big following to grow a show. What you need is a Unique Value Proposition, a value-driven content calendar, and a strategic promotion plan. We can help you with that and more!

  • How many followers on social media do I have to have to be successful at podcasting?

Here’s what others have asked before working with us!

We’d love to hear from you! You can shoot us an email at
  • I have more questions—how can I get in touch?

Say hi at @eugenia.woo, and learn more about podcasting at


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